图片 请求付款催款用语_金蝉捕鱼游戏机|APP下载*


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来源::未知 | 作者:金蝉捕鱼游戏机|APP下载* | 本文已影响


an early remittance will be appreciated. 
迟付的60美元, 请速予寄下为荷。 
Please let us have your check for the $60 now past overdue. 
有鉴于此, 相信贵方将随复函寄来支票, 特此致谢。 
With these facts before you , we feel sure that you will send us your check by return mail. Thank you. 
我们恳求, 对此部分能速予结帐为荷。 
We urge that you make this settlement without delay. 
何不立即对此案作一结算? 请在今日将支票随函发出即可。 
Why not settle this matter now? Just attach your check to this letter, and send it by today's mail. 


为加清本帐目, 我方多次催促, 但未有任何效果。所以为收回本帐款项, 准备向法院起诉, 特此通知。 
Having made repeated applications for apyment of this amount without avail, we now give you notice that we shall take out a summons for recovery of the same 
下星期一以前未能清结本件款项, 不得已, 将委任我公司顾问律师处理。 
We wish to state that if the account be not paid by Monday next, we shall be forced to place the matter in the hands o four solicitors. 
贵方虽多次答应付款结帐, 但迄今尚未结清。如在本月底以前, 尚未拔款结清,只好委托我公司顾问律师处理。 
In spite of your repeated promises to let us have a cheque, we are still without a settlement of your outstanding account, and therefore, unless same is settled by the end of this month, we shall be compelled to hand over the matter to our solicitor. 
对于此事, 贵方似乎在趁机利用我公司的宽容态度。本函系最后通告所, 复函时请汇足够金额, 以结此帐, 否则只好采取其它途径, 特此函告。 
As you seem to take advantage of you leniency in this matter, we now give you the final notice that, unless we shall receive a substantial amount on account by return of post, we shall adopt other measures for its recovery.
