图片 高考英语开放式书面表达的写作指导_金蝉捕鱼游戏机|APP下载*


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来源::未知 | 作者:金蝉捕鱼游戏机|APP下载* | 本文已影响
  1. 明确主题
  2. 有思想性
  开放式作文虽然思维发散空间很大,但有一点必须九九归一,即有思想性。如果一篇文章没有了正确的思想,那它就没有灵魂。比如有这样一篇开放式作文:One day, on your way home you saw a boy fall into a river. What did you do? 如果你写的文章结果是 I went away because I didn’t know how to swim.那肯定没有思想性。即使你不会游泳,但你至少可以呼救。如果你写的文章结果是 Though I didn’t know how to swim, I called out for help. The boy was pulled out by a young man and I tried to save him with other people. 文章这就有了思想性,这样的文章才有意义。
  开放式作文要有思想性的另一方面表现在,句子要有感情色彩,即人情味。这样的文章读起来才使人感到亲切,才能完全达到与读者进行交流的目的。如:I’m so glad to learn that you’re coming in September,这话就富有人情味;如果写成 It’s said that you’re coming in September, 这话就平淡无味,没有感情色彩。
  3. 尽可能使用较高级词汇和复杂语法结构
  4. 开放式书面表达实例
  You are talking with one of your classmates about Chinese festivals. You say to him, “I like the Spring Festival best.” He asks, “Why?” You tell him why and be sure to give him your reasons.
  I like the Spring Festival best not only because it comes in spring but also it is a time of family reunion. All the family members get together to share their happiness. Besides, the delicious food is also a reason for my favor. Most of us ,especially the children can have new clothes to wear. What excites me most is that I can have a winter vacation and can enjoy myself thoroughly.
  Because I can do what I can in the Spring Festival. Most happily, I needn’t do any homework and needn’t worry about my study for a short time. I’m really a free man in the world. So you ask me what my favourite festival is, of course, I’ll tell you: “The Spring Festival is my best lover!”
